Last holiday was very tiring but it's pretty fun for me.
So like I said there's this organization I'm in, PPA JAMADAGNI. It was the regeneration of our members, the 2016 stundents are up and we seniors are gonna teach them how to be a natural explorers. We teach them first aid, navigation in the wood or out in the open, SAR (Search and Rescue) and many more. But the most important thing they need to have is a good mental.

We place the primary education at Situ Lembang, of course we asked the permissions first to the KOPASSUS. First, we survey the place and we decide where to give the new students they're education. Mostly there, we go back on woods and barracks. We spent about 1 week to finish this primary education for them.

In the process, my friends who we're still junior members was inducted as full members on Januari the 1st. We are proud of ourselves, finally the longlasting patient that we wait for this day to come. We gathered in the KOPASSUS ceremony field and told that it was just a inauguration reahearsal as for the students junior members. But as we start, it was for us to be full members. It was so great.

On the last on the week of education, we see they're pride and joy as they finally been through the primary education and inducted as junior members of our organization. Everyone was happy on that moment, me and my friends was inducted with a name "Mahardhika Raksabhumi" that means Majesty Souls Who Keep the Earth.

Well that was my holiday, what about you? 

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