Scholarship Announcement

1. Dr Bernard Lake Award
The Dr Bernard Lake Award is cash prize for the publication, in a peer-reviewed journal, of significant original work undertaken in Australia in one of the following fields: holistic medicine, complementary medicine, exercise rehabilitation, nutriceuticals, aromatherapy and multi-disciplinary whole-patient approach to medical problems.

Provided there is work of sufficient merit, the prize may be awarded annually by the Dean of Sydney Medical School. The prize is awarded subject to there being sufficient funds available from the bequest.

Eligibility: the best paper published in any of the above fields in the previous two calendar years. If the applicant is not the first author, the application must include a statement from all co-authors that the paper is principally the work of the applicant.

Value: $1,400

Closing date: 15 November 2013


Sydney Medical School
Dr Bernard Lake Award
The offer of a Dr Bernard Lake Award is subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. The objective of the fund is to commemorate the lifetime contribution of Dr Bernard Lake MB BS MRCP (Lon) FRCP (Edin), graduate of the University of Sydney and distinguished physician, whose special interest was in treating the whole person and extending the boundaries of orthodox medicine, using complementary and alternative ways of understanding and treating each patient's special circumstances.
2. The fund shall be used to reward health professionals for publishing in peer- reviewed journals significant original work undertaken in Australia in one of the following fields: holistic medicine, complementary medicine, exercise rehabilitation, nutriceuticals, aromatherapy and multi-disciplinary whole patient approach to medical problems.
3. The award will be made at the discretion of the Review Committee for the Dr Bernard Lake Award and subject to all standards being met. No correspondence will be entered into.
4. Payment of the advertised award will be made by direct deposit following written notification to the successful candidate and acknowledgement to the Sydney Medical School by the candidate.
5. Copies of any media coverage arising from the Award should acknowledge the Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney and copies forwarded to the School office.

2. Vernon Barling Memorial Fellowship
Established in 1981 by colleagues of Eric Vernon Barling, MBE, MB BS, FRCS FRACS FACS, who died in a motor car accident in 1978 after having been for many years a clinical teacher in the Department of Surgery of the University.

The object of the Fellowship is to assist young surgeons in Australia who wish to undertake further clinical surgical training overseas prior to taking up hospital appointments in Australia.

Value: Up to $1,500 is available to assist with travel and/or living expenses.

Further information:
Ms Ancella Cheung
Project Officer, Sydney Medical School


Vernon Barling Memorial Fellowship
Established in 1981 by colleagues of Eric Vernon Barling, MBE, MB BS, FRCS FRACS FACS, who
died in a motor car accident in 1978 after having been for many years a clinical teacher in the
Department of Surgery of the University.
The Fellowship is awarded under the following conditions:
(1) The name of the Fellowship shall be the Vernon Barling Memorial Fellowship.
(2) The object of the Fellowship shall be to assist young surgeons in Australia who wish to
undertake further clinical surgical training overseas prior to taking up hospital
appointments in Australia. Preference will be given to those applicants without
sufficient means to undertake clinical surgical training overseas.
(3) The Fellowship shall be awarded to a person holding the degrees of Bachelor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery of the University of Sydney, or equivalent degrees of
an approved institution, who wishes to undertake clinical surgical training at an
overseas institution or institutions approved from time to time by the Sydney Medical
(4) The annual income from the Fund shall be available for award for the Fellowship.
(5) The Fellowship shall be tenable for one year only and will be awarded as funds are
available. The Fellowship may be held in conjunction with any other endowed
scholarship or fellowship, as a travel grant or grant‐in‐aid.
(6) The Fellowship shall be awarded by the Dean of the Faculty on the
recommendation of the Head of the Discipline of Surgery.
(7) At the conclusion of the tenure of the Fellowship, the fellow shall submit a paper or
report embodying the results of the investigations or experience. If any work is
published as a result of holding a Fellowship, the fellow shall acknowledge the tenure of
the Fellowship.
The Fellowship is advertised annually closing in July/August.
Conditions updated 7 July 2004

Closing date: to be confirmed

How to apply: Applicants should submit a recent curriculum vitae, an outline of the proposed overseas research training program as well as copies of invitations from the overseas institution/s the applicant intends to visit to Ms Cheung, preferably electronically.

1.      When is the application closed?
Answer: Applications close on 15th November 2013 
2.      How much value scholarship may be awarded?
Answer: Scholarships may be awarded for $1,400 and up to $1,500

3.      What is made the value scholarship different between one person and another?
Answer: the ranking.

4.      Are experience, skills and qualifications needed?
Answer: Yes, as plus point.
5.      How to apply to this scholarship?
Answer: Applicants should submit a recent curriculum vitae, an outline of the proposed overseas research training program as well as copies of invitations from the overseas institution/s.

The Tiger

The tiger is the largest cat species. Reaching a total body length of up to 3.3 m and weighing up to 306 kg. It is the third largest land carnivore. Its most recognizable feature is a pattern of dark veritcal stripes on reddish-orange fur with lighter underside. It has exceptionally stout teeth

Tigers have lived for 20 to 26 years. Tigers have muscular bodies with particularly powerful forelimbs and large heads. Their faces have whiskers, which are especially long in males. The pupils are circular with yellow irises. The small, rounded ears have black markings.

The pattern of stripes is unique to each animal, and these unique markings can be used by researchers to identify individuals (both in the wild and captivity), in much the same way as fingerprints are used to identify humans.

The function of stripes is likely camouflage, serving to help tigers conceal themselves amongst the dappled shadows and long grass of their environments as they stalk their prey. The stripe pattern is also found on the skin of the tiger. If a tiger were to be shaved, its distinctive camouflage pattern would be preserved


If I get IDR, ......
1. I'll save it at the bank.
2. I'll buy a car.
3. I'll buy a house.
4. I'll give it to someone who need it.
5. I'll build an orphanage.
6. I'll build a hospital.
7. I'll give it to my mother.
8. I'll go shopping.
9. I'll build a mosque.
10. I'll go study abroad

I'll be happy if ......
1. I get perfect score on physics.
2. I study medicine at University of Indonesia.
3. I build a hospital.
4. I make someone happy.
5. I go out with my friends.
6. I have long holiday.
7. I haven't homework.
8. I always get good score in every subject.
9. I get scholarship to study abroad.
10. All my dreams come true.